Travel & Transport
Preliminary designs for the project are published by the Council before a public consultation process. Once approved, a detailed design is carried out.
The public consultation period runs for 8 weeks and is advertised in the national press and by leaflet drop in the locality.
The Council holds public information evenings during the consultation period at a venue in the area of the proposed works.
Also, during the consultation period drawings are available for viewing at the Planning Department in County Hall, Dún Laoghaire and at the Council Offices in Dundrum.
Details and drawings for current and proposed projects are also available.
If you have an interest in or comments to make concerning a proposed road project, you should make a submission during the Public Consultation period, or make contact with the Project Engineer for the County Council whose contact details are given with the details of the scheme. In circumstances where the Council propose to acquire property for a road project, the Council will make direct contact with the owner / occupier.
If any issue arises during the construction of a road, such as access problems, damage, or interruption of water or power, you should contact the Council’s Resident Engineer for the scheme who will assist you.
His / her contact details are distributed by leaflet in the area of the scheme prior to commencement of the works, or are available by contacting the Council’s Road Projects Office on 00 353 (1) 2054839 or by email
Road or footpath defects such as potholes, cracks, subsidence, etc should be reported to the Road Maintenance Section, Transportation Department.
Reports should include the nature of the defect and the exact location i.e. the address of the premises closest to the defect.
To report defects in the road or footpath you can:
- Email:
- Phone: 01-2054879
- Write to:
Road Maintenance Section,Transportation Department,Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,County Hall,Marine Road,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin.
Public Lighting faults should be reported to the Public Lighting Section, Transportation Department.
Fault reports should include the number of the lamp post, the address closest to the lamp and the nature of the fault i.e: light out / on 24-7 / going on and off, etc.
Public lighting faults can be reported by:
- Email to:
- Phone: 01-2054809
- Write to:
Public Lighting Section,Transportation Department,Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,County Hall,Marine Road,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin.
If trees or bushes from private property are overgrowing onto the road or footpath and causing a hazard the location / address of the problem should be reported to the Road Maintenance Section, Transportation Department.
You can contact the Road Maintenance Section by:
- Email:
- Phone: 01-2054879
- Write to:
Road Maintenance Section,Transportation Department,Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,County Hall,Marine Road,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin.
If there are works in progress that you would like information about i.e. purpose or duration. you can contact the Road Maintenance Section, Transportation Department.
You can contact us by:
- Email:
- Phone: 01-2054879
- Write to:
Road Maintenance Section,Transportation Department,Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,County Hall,Marine Road,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin.
If you notice any damaged, vandalised, rustes, etc, road nameplates or directional signage you can report the problem and location to the Road Maintenance Section, Transportation Department.
You can contact us by:
- Email:
- Phone: 01-2054879
- Write to:
Road Maintenance Section,Transportation Department,Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,County Hall,Marine Road,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin.
The Council receives over 300 requests annually for statutory signing and lining measures.
The Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) deals with all of these requests.
This group was formally established in August 2006 and comprises representatives from An Garda Síochána and engineers of the Traffic Section.
As well as discussing requests received from the public, the elected members, Dublin Bus and business groups, TAG examines issues identified directly by the Traffic Section and An Garda Síochána.
The TAG meets monthly for discussion on an agenda of items, a copy of which is circulated to the elected members for their information. The recommendations of each meeting of the TAG, is brought to the Area Committees for noting under Council Business entitled “Consultation with Garda Commissioner”.
As this is a statutory or legal procedure decided upon by the traffic engineers and An Garda Siochana a formal request for TAG items should be sent by email to or in writing to the Transportation Department, Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
It is important to outline the reasons for your request and include, if possible, supporting evidence as to why it should be warranted.
A TAG requested can be any of the following:
- Stop
- yield
- no entry
- yellow box
- hatching
- mandatory signs
- prohibitory signs
- single yellow line
- double yellow line
- loading bay
- school keep clear
- disabled persons parking bay
- continuous white line
- clearway
- weight restriction ban
- no u-turn
Once a lining or signing request has been provided you are legally required to abide by them or you will be subject to a punishment or penalty.
Requests for renewals of road lining should be submitted via email to or in writing to the Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
Please give exact details of the locations in question.
The Traffic Engineer will then re-examine the location and if a renewal of lining is warranted the item will be sent to the lining contractor for inclusion in his list of works. Please note that renewals of line markings are not included as part of the TAG process.
Tables and chairs outside commercial premises
Temporary road closures
Event signage on public roads
Local Information or advisory directional road signposts
Please submit your request in writing to the Transportation Department, Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County County, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin or email with the details.
There is a standard charge of €100 for administration costs plus an additional charge of €50 if maps/drawings are required.
The report includes any faults reported in the period required, a drawing showing the phase diagram and a copy of the timings.
A pedestrian crossing is a street location where pedestrians have right of way by means of a traffic signal.
You can request a pedestrian crossing in your area by emailing mailto:traffic@dlrcoco.ieor in writing to the Transportation Department, Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Marine Road Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
Please include the following details:
- Your name and address.
- The name of the street or road where you wish a pedestrian crossing to be installed.
- Why you feel a pedestrian crossing is needed at the location
- A photograph of the location (if possible).
Traffic Section will investigate your request, taking into consideration road width, proximity to other crossing points, pedestrian flow counts and traffic volume and accident history to decide if a pedestrian crossing is warranted in that location.
In some circumstances when a traffic light is not warranted, Traffic Section will investigate the provision of a pedestrian refuge/island.
Before any application for a temporary road closure is made, the applicant MUST first contact the Traffic Section of the Transportation Department by emailing, or phoning (01) 205 4700 to arrange a meeting with the relevant Traffic Area Engineer.
Once you have spoken to a traffic engineer and if a closure is considered suitable you can complete our temporary road closure application form (PDF File - 96 KB) and submit it to Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin for processing.
As limited financial resources are available for the implementation of traffic calming measures, the Traffic Section engaged a Consulting Engineer to prioritise all requests for traffic calming in December 2007 as a means to allocate funds appropriately to the areas most in need.
For more information take a look at the “Prioritisation of Traffic Calming Schemes in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Area” Report ( 2008).
However, due to subsequent funding restraints Traffic Section will be prioritising the implementation of the 16 schemes identified for Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIP), as identified in the report, once funding is available ahead of the Listing of Prioritised Traffic Calming Schemes. These areas warrant the attention of AIP assessment due to high accident rates on the street(s), junctions and/or areas that surround the evaluated locations.
In the meantime any request for traffic calming will be put on a list for consideration in the drawing up of future traffic calming programmes. Where an estate is not in charge of the Council, the Council is not empowered to provide traffic calming measures in the form of speed reducing ramps, etc. Concerns in relation to speeding, careless or dangerous driving in an area should be brought to the attention of the local Garda Station.
Traffic section in conjunction with Transportation Planning and Road Projects Office and the Quality Bus Network Project Office is responsible for the delivery of the Quality Bus Network as outlined in the Dublin Transportation Office Strategy “Platform for Change” and Transport 21.
We continue to implement cycle-tracks, which will continue to be extended in accordance with the our cycling policy document.
We are also continuing our role-out of cycle parking facilities at key locations throughout the county.--
The planning for a new road or major road improvement project involves a design and consultation process, which is approved either by the elected Members of the County Council under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, or by An Bord Pleanála, depending on the size and scope of the project. An Bord Pleanála may hold an Oral Hearing chaired by an Inspector appointed by The Board to hear the evidence of the promoting authority and the submissions of interested parties.
Motorists who display a ‘Parking Card for People with Disabilities’ (EU Blue Card), issued by the Irish Wheelchair Association or legitimate national authority, may park in controlled areas without payment.
Residents permits will allow residents to park in a designated area, but will not guarantee availability of spaces.
Visitors permits, valid for parking in a Pay & Display bay, will be available to residents at a cost of €2.00 each. Each permit will be valid for 1 day. Also, short stay parking may be paid for by Pay & Display ticket.
Residents can park in the majority of long stay/short stay bays, once a valid residents permit is displayed, however residents may not be allowed to park in some commercial areas. Commercial areas/bays will have a time plate stating ‘Permits Not Valid’, residents may not use their permits while parking in these areas.
When parking please refer to the information plates on the street, which will indicate the period during which it is permitted to park and any parking restrictions i.e. ‘Permits not Valid’.
To report an instance of illegal parking you may contact the Council’s Parking Section on P: 2054884 or email
The cost applicable is indicated on the Paid Parking machine and information plates.
Guidelines for the Implementation of Paid Parking Control Schemes are contained in the Parking Control Bye-Laws, 2007. For an area to be considered for Paid parking control a signed petition by a number of residents should be submitted by the Residents Association, or individually on behalf of a group of residents, to the Parking Section of the Municipal Services Department. The request will be assessed by the Municipal Services Department. A traffic / parking survey will be carried out to assess the nature and extent of the parking problem in the area, whether the implementation of Paid parking control is considered appropriate, the suitability of the area and the capacity to accommodate a Paid parking control scheme. In primarily residential areas, if it is considered that Paid Parking is warranted, a survey and accompanying drawing will be circulated to eligible residents to obtain the residents preference in relation to the proposed introduction of Paid Parking. A report on the proposed introduction of a parking scheme will then be brought to the Area Committee in which the proposed Scheme is located for approval. If the Scheme is approved by the Area Committee it will then go to the full Council for final approval to introduce the Scheme.
For more information, contact the Parking Section on (01) 2054884.
The hours of operation of Paid Parking would normally be 08.00 – 19.00 Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday.
Residents can apply for parking permits and visitors permits. For non-residents payment will be on a Pay & Display basis.
The parking period permitted is indicated on the appropriate parking ticket machine and information plates.
A vehicle which had been parked in a ticket parking place for the maximum period permitted in that ticket parking place, as indicated on the appropriate Paid Parking ticket parking machine or information plate, shall not be parked again in a ticket parking place on the public road in which that ticket parking place is situated until at least one hour has elapsed since the vehicle was last parked in that ticket parking place.
The Parking Control Bye-Laws, 2007 define a resident “a person who is the occupant of a dwelling or a converted house, other than a purpose built apartment block, who satisfies the Council that his/her normal dwelling place is at premises situated within a pay parking area which relates to the parking permit”.
Dwelling is defined as “a building or structure designed and used for residential purposes, other than an apartment within a purpose built apartment block”.
Residents of purpose built apartment blocks are not eligible for resident’s permits.
Businesses, employees and non-resident landlords are not eligible for residents permits.
The display of a valid parking permit, as specified in the Parking Control Bye-Laws, is the responsibility of the applicant.
In any one year, the Council shall, on application by a resident, issue one parking permit per resident’s car within its own pay parking area, subject to production of acceptable evidence by the resident up to an upper limit of four residents parking permits per dwelling.
Where a building comprises a converted house the total number of residents’ parking permits that may be held concurrently by residents of housing units in that building shall be four subject to the limit of one residents’ parking permit per housing unit and subject to production of acceptable evidence.
Residential Parking Permit:
Fee: €40 per one year permit or €75 per two year permit.
Visitors Parking Permits:
Visitor permits are sold at a cost of €2.00 each in multiples of 4.
The minimum order is 4 Permits at a cost of €8.00.
A resident’s parking permit is only valid for the vehicle and the parking area indicated on the permit. Maps showing the parking areas in which the Parking Control Bye-Laws are in operation are available for inspection at County Hall, Dún Laoghaire and in the Council Offices in Dundrum. The Parking Control Bye-Laws, 2020 may be viewed on the Council’s website.
A Change of Vehicle form must be completed. The completed form must be accompanied by:
- a copy of the insurance certificate for the vehicle which must display the address to which the permit is being applied for.
If the car is registered in the name of a company you must supply a copy of the current insurance certificate for the vehicle, AND a letter from the company stating that you are employed by them and that you have habitual use of the vehicle,
- the old parking permit. If the old parking permit is not returned with the application, an ‘Application for Replacement Parking Permit’ form must be completed.
The scheme is being introduced primarily for the benefit of residents, to ease parking pressures in their area. The implementation of the scheme involves substantial costs to the Council, including road lining, signage, the provision of parking meters, and continued maintenance and enforcement costs. The present fee for a parking permit is €40 for an annual permit or €75 for a two-year permit.
There is no statutory basis for providing residents only parking on public roads.