Apply for a grant
The maximum grant available is €8,000 or 95% of the approved cost of works tapering to 30% dependant on income levels.
The Council will endeavour to decide on each application as soon as possible and will make every effort to issue a provisional approval of a grant within six weeks following receipt of a fully completed and valid application.
Delays in issuing provisional approval can occur due to incomplete applications, incorrect or insufficient documentation being submitted or if major works are being carried out which require evidence of planning permission or a certificate of exemption under the Planning Acts.
Please note that applications which are missing key information will be returned.
All applications for grant aid under this scheme are means tested and the level of grant is determined as follows, the annual gross income of the registered property owner together with all household members over 18 (or 23 if in full time education) in the previous tax year up to a maximum income of €60,000, (some applicants may qualify for certain income disregards).
The grant does not cover the VAT cost of the work, in the case of the Housing Adaptation Grant for Older People and Disabled People and the Mobility Aids Grant. VAT can be reclaimed from Revenue after the work has been paid for. We do not process VAT refunds as a Local Authority. This is done through Revenue. However, we will supply applicants with a VAT return form upon approval of their application.
Please see or Citizens Information for more information.
However, the VAT cost of the work is covered under the Housing Aid for Older People Grant. Applicants availing of this grant scheme will not be issued a VAT return form.
An Occupational Therapist’s report is required to ensure that the works to be carried out are appropriate to the long term circumstances of the applicant. The type of works covered include the fitting of access ramps, downstairs toilet facilities, stair-lifts, level access showers, changes to allow wheelchair access, extensions, and any other works which are deemed reasonably necessary.
If the grant application is for the sum of €10,000 or over, you will be required to provide evidence of tax clearance from Revenue. Information on how to apply for tax clearance can be found at
Grant allocation is calculated on the approved nett cost of the proposed works. The maximum grant available under this scheme is €30,000 or 95% (whichever is the lower) tapering to 30% dependant on income levels. The applicant may qualify for a refund of the VAT from the Revenue Commissioners subject to certain conditions once they have paid the contractor in full.
If you are unhappy with the decision of the Council, you can appeal the decision in writing within three weeks of the date of the original decision, clearly outlining the reasons and grounds for appeal. Appeals should be sent to the following address and will be assessed by an official who was not involved with the original assessment:
Private Grants Section - Housing Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
County Hall
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Every effort will be made to notify you of the decision on your appeal within six weeks of receipt of the appeal.
The income limits differ depending on which grant you are applying for. If your household income from the previous tax year exceeds the below amounts after the applicable disregards and deductions are applied, you will not be considered eligible to receive a grant:
Grant Type | Household Income Limit |
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability | €60,000 |
Mobility Aids Grant | €30,000 |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant | €60,000 |
The grant covers some of the cost of the work required, however, the amount of the grant depends on your household income for the previous year. The maximum grants available are as follows:
Grant Type |
Maximum Grant Available |
Minimum Grant Available |
Housing Adaptation Grant for Disabled People |
€40,000 or 100% of the total approved cost of the work. €20,00 for homes built within the last 12 months. |
€12,000 or 30% of the total approved cost of the work. €6,000 for homes built within the last 12 months. |
Mobility Aids Grant |
€8,000 or the total approved cost of the work (whichever is less) |
N/A |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant |
€10,700 or 100% of the total approved cost of the work |
€3,210 or 30% of the total approved cost of the work. |
Annual gross income from the previous tax year is used in assessing the household income in an application. This includes the following:
- All the people living in the home aged 18 years or over (except for those in full-time education or engaged in a SOLAS apprenticeship that are under23 years of age)
- The registered property owner (and their spouse if applicable) except if your home is one of the following:
- Rented from a landlord with a current tenancy agreement registered with the Residential Tenancies Board in place
- Provided by an Approved Housing Body
- A communal residence
Some payments from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection are not considered when working out your household income (see below for further details).
The income limits differ depending on which grant you are applying for. If your household income from the previous tax year exceeds the below amounts after the applicable disregards and deductions are applied, you will not be considered eligible to receive a grant – unless there are exceptional circumstances, please speak with a member of the Private Grants section if you feel that this is the case:
Grant Type |
Household Income Limit |
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability |
€75,000 |
Mobility Aids Grant |
€37,500 |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant |
€75,000 |
The following payments from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection are not considered in assessing your household income:
- Carer’s Allowance/Benefit
- Carer’s Support Grant
- Child Benefit
- Domiciliary Care Allowance
- Foster Care Grant
- Fuel Allowance
- Household Benefits Package
- Living Alone Allowance
- Working Family Payment
There are also two types of deductions that reduce the amount of household income considered:
- A deduction of €5,000 applies for each member of the household who is under 18 years of age or under 23 years of age and in full time education or engaged in a SOLAS apprenticeship;
- A deduction of €5,000 applies where the person for whom the grant aid is sought is being cared for by a relative on a full-time basis if a relative is caring full-time for the person who the grant is for.
See below for an example of the works covered by each of the grants:
Grant Type | Examples of Works Covered |
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability |
Mobility Aids Grant |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant | Essential repairs or refurbishment, including the following:
See below for an example of the works covered by each of the grants:
Grant Type | Examples of Works Covered |
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability |
Mobility Aids Grant |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant | Essential repairs or refurbishment, including the following:
Ramps, Level Access Showers, Downstairs WC's, Grab Rail and Stairlifts are the most common works requested. Other works necessary to allow the tenant with a disability to live safely in their home may also be considered.
The Council will endeavour to decide on each application as soon as possible and will make every effort to issue a provisional approval of a grant within six weeks following receipt of a fully completed and valid application.
Delays in issuing provisional approval can occur due to incomplete applications, incorrect or insufficient documentation being submitted or if major works are being carried out which require evidence of planning permission or a certificate of exemption under the Planning Acts.
Please note that applications which are missing key information will be returned.
Yes, the Council will arrange for an Occupational Therapist to complete an assessment of you in your home once we receive your application.
The grant does not cover the VAT cost of the work, in the case of the Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability and the Mobility Aids Grant. VAT can be reclaimed from Revenue after the work has been paid for. Please see for more information.
However, the VAT cost of the work is covered under the Housing Aid for Older People Grant.
Minor alterations such as stairlifts and grab rails can be completed in a few weeks once we have the Occupational Therapists report.
We currently have a large volume of applications waiting for larger works such as bathrooms and ramps. It is not possible to say exactly how long an applicant will be waiting for works to be complete when they apply.
The works covered include grab rails, access ramps, level access showers, stair-lifts, and other minor works deemed reasonably necessary to make a house more suitable for a person with mobility problems to live in.
If the grant application is for the sum of €10,000 or over, you will be required to provide evidence of tax clearance from Revenue. Information on how to apply for tax clearance can be found at
Applicants living in privately owned properties can apply for a grant to have works doen under the following schemes:
- Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability
- Mobility Aids Grant
More information can be found here:
The maximum grant available is €6,000 or 100% of the approved nett cost of proposed works.
If you are unhappy with the decision of the Council, you can appeal the decision in writing within three weeks of the date of the original decision, clearly outlining the reasons and grounds for appeal. Appeals should be sent to the following address and will be assessed by an official who was not involved with the original assessment:
Private Grants Section - Housing Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
County Hall
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Every effort will be made to notify you of the decision on your appeal within six weeks of receipt of the appeal.
Yes. You are welcome to apply for heating upgrades that do not include new gas or oil boilers. You may still apply to fix a fossil fuel boiler, e.g apply for a part to mend the boiler, or apply for a second hand gas or oil boiler to be installed by a registered contractor. Please contact the Private Grants Section on 01 205 4700 if you are unsure if the work you are applying for is covered under the new scheme.
The grant is means tested and the level of grant is determined by taking account of the annual gross income of the registered property owner together with all household members over 18 (or 23 if in full time education) in the previous tax year. In order to qualify for a grant under this scheme the gross household income must not exceed €30,000 (some applicants may qualify for certain income disregards).
The grant covers some of the cost of the work required, however, the amount of the grant depends on your household income for the previous year. The maximum grants available are as follows:
Grant Type | Maximum Grant Available | Minimum Grant Available |
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability | €30,000 or 95% of the total approved cost of the work | €9,000 or 30% of the total approved cost of the work |
Mobility Aids Grant | €6,000 or the total approved cost of the work (whichever is less) | N/A |
Housing Aid for Older People Grant | €8,000 or 95% of the total approved cost of the work | €2,400 or 30% of the total approved cost of the work |
Under new guidelines passed on from the Department of Housing following an EU Directive, new fossil fuel boilers (oil and gas) can no longer be approved or processed after 1st January 2025.
“From 1 January 2025, Member States shall not provide any financial incentives for the installation of stand-alone boilers powered by fossil fuels, with the exception of those selected for investment, before 2025, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/241, Article 7(1), point (h)(i), third indent, of Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 and with Article 73 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council.”
The works covered include grab rails, access ramps, level access showers, stair-lifts, and other minor works deemed reasonably necessary to make a house more suitable for a person with mobility problems to live in.
Annual gross income from the previous tax year is used in assessing the household income in an application. Income from the home owner, the applicant and their spouse will be considered. If your home is one of the following, the local authority will only consider the income earned by the tenant (and their spouse if it applies), and not the owner: (i) Rented from a landlord (please provide RTB agreement) (ii) Accommodation provided by an Approved Housing Body (iii) A communal residence (i.e group homes).
The maximum grant available is €6,000 or 100% of the approved nett cost of proposed works. The applicant may qualify for a refund of the VAT from the Revenue Commissioners subject to certain conditions once they have paid the contractor in full.
- The following payments from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection are not considered in assessing your household income:
· Carer’s Allowance/Benefit
· Carer’s Support Grant
· Child Benefit
· Domiciliary Care Allowance
· Foster Care Grant
· Fuel Allowance
· Household Benefits Package
· Living Alone Allowance
· Working Family Payment
There are also types of deductions that reduce the amount of household income considered:
· A deduction of €6,250 applies for each member of the household who is under 18 years of age or under 23 years of age and in full time education or engaged in a SOLAS apprenticeship;
· A deduction of €6,250 applies where the person for whom the grant aid is sought is being cared for by a relative on a full-time basis if a relative is caring full-time for the person who the grant is for.
· A deduction of up to €6,250 applies for housing costs such as rent or mortgage repayments for the home where the work will be done.
· A deduction of up to €12,500 applies if the owner is paying the residential care fees of (i) a spouse or (ii) other owner of the home.
· A deduction of up to €12,500 (or up to €6,250 if deduction 2 is claimed) where the owner is paying for homecare fees for: (i) their own care (ii) a spouse or (iii) another person living in the home.
The only works available under this scheme are re-wiring, re-roofing and the provision of central heating (where none exists).
N.B. Central Heating – There is no grant available under this scheme for upgrading an existing central heating system. These grants are available from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland at 1850 927000 or
A checklist for the documents to be sent in with your application is available on Page 20 of the Application Form.
Note: Your application will be delayed if the Application Form is not fully completed or documents are missing.
Note: Please do not send original documents as they will not be returned to you. Upon receipt and filing of application, all documents will be shredded.