Environment & Climate Change

What is the purpose of the Environment and Climate Action Grant?

The purpose of the Environment and Climate Action Grant is to support Residents’ Associations, Estate Management Groups, Tidy District and Tidy Town groups to enhance and improve their local public areas. 

What projects are eligible for an Environment Grant?

Under the 2025 grant scheme, applications are invited for any of the following projects;  

  1. purchase of plants or trees for public areas,  

  1. purchase of estate name stones,  

  1. hosting of local environmental talks, workshops or local environmental / climate action campaigns (e.g. anti-litter or waste prevention campaigns),  

  1. purchase of minor non-mechanised equipment to assist with a planting project (e.g. spade, trowel, gloves),  

  1. A combination of the above. 

Who can apply for an Environment Grant?

Residents’ Associations, Estate Management Groups, Tidy District and Tidy Town groups within Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown are welcome to apply. The group must operate on a not-for-profit basis and the projects must demonstrate an environmental benefit to the local community. 

What is the maximum Environment and Climate Action Grant available?

The maximum Environment and Climate Action Grant available under the 2025 scheme is €800.

Can a group apply for the full cost of a project or initiative?

No, the Environment and Climate Action Grant can only fund up to 70% of eligible project costs. The group must be able to fund the remaining 30% of project costs. 

Does my project need permission from the Council if the project will be located on a public green or path verge?

Yes, all projects on a public green space or near a road or path will be contingent on permission from the relevant Department. Please include in your application the precise locations affected, and details on how the area will be maintained in the future

Can a group apply for more than one grant?

Yes, a group can apply for several dlr grants under different categories. For example, a group may wish to apply for a Community Grant and a Heritage Grant. Each application must relate to a different project or initiative. 

When will I know if my application for an Environment and Climate Action Grant was successful?

Applicants will receive an email with the result of their application for an Environment and Climate Action Grant following the December 2024 Council meeting. 

How is the Environment and Climate Action Grant paid?

Funding is provided in full and up-front. It will be paid by bank transfer, directly to the group’s bank account. We may ask successful applicants to return a bank set-up form, to enable us to process the bank transfer. 

Do I have to submit receipts?

Yes, applicants must submit a Completion Report and copies of all receipts that show exactly how the funding was spent. Failure to supply evidence of expenditure will affect future funding decisions. Photos showing the results of the project may also be submitted. All completion reports and receipts should be submitted by Friday 10th October 2025. 

How will the programme work?

A number of projects will be selected which demonstrate climate action at a local level in the County. Local communities will be selected following an Expression of Interest phase and will carry-out their direct climate action projects over 18 months. Projects can include a suite of measures, not just one specific action.

Do I have to acknowledge Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council?

Yes, all successful applicants are required to acknowledge the financial assistance of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and include dlr grant funding logo on all printed material and graphics. Please contact the Council for this logo. 

Who can apply?

Eligible communities must be:

  • a not-for-profit;
  • located in the operational area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council;
  • registered with a PPN or connected with other collectives such as the Wheel, Tidy Towns and /or a community group with Articles of Association or a Constitution, which hold an AGM, and for which approved minutes are available.
Where can I get more information?

A copy of the dlr grant guidelines is available on the Council’s website www.dlrcoco.ie.

Please email any grant queries to grants@dlrcoco.ie.

For more information on the Environment and Climate Action Grant please contact the Environmental Awareness Section on 01-2054700 or by emailing envaware@dlrcoco.ie

Who is NOT eligible for funding?
  • Private individuals
  • Commercial undertakings
  • Schools
  • National level community or environmental organisations

Local branches of national organisations may be eligible, once there is a clear financial separation or local branch from national organisation level.

What projects are eligible?

Projects should seek to demonstrate the delivery of national climate action at local level by including at least one, preferably more, of the following:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Increasing climate resilience (help adapt to the consequences of climate change)
  • Assisting communities transition to low carbon and sustainable economy

Projects should address at least one, but preferably more than one of the following themes:

  • Community Energy
  • Travel
  • Food and waste
  • Shopping and recycling
  • Local climate and environmental action
What funding is available?

Funding is available for 100% of the project and there are three project sizes eligible:

  • Small scale projects < €20,000
  • Medium scale projects €20,000 to €50,000
  • Large scale projects €51,000 to €100,000
Next Steps/How do I apply?


Interested community groups are strongly encouraged to contact the Community Climate Action Officer with their project ideas before completing their application form.


To apply groups must complete an application form and submit necessary documents by March 6th at 5:00 pm.


Strand 1


There are two ways to submit an application form:

  • Or alternatively, you can download a Word version of the form below and submit your completed application and supporting documents via email or post.

         Paper Application Form for a Strand 1 project (English)

  • An Irish Version of the application form is available on request by emailing climate@dlrcoco.ie.

Strand 1a


Please contact the Community Climate Action Officer at climate@dlrcoco.ie for an application form if your community group is planning to carry out a cross-border project in partnership with a community in Northern Ireland and would like to apply for funding under Strand 1a of the programme.




Environment Awareness & Education

Optional Award categories

These award categories are opportunities for awards and recognition outside of the main competition categories and are optional.

Benefits of competing in Tidy Districts 2024
  • Improves the environment and amenity of your area.

  • Creates wildlife and pollinator friendly areas, thereby supporting biodiversity in our county.  

  • Helps create a sense of community and local pride. 

  • Rewards and acknowledges the huge efforts of community volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the year. 

Who can apply?

We invite groups to apply from areas including housing estates, residential streets, towns or villages within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. 

How can I enter the Tidy Districts competition?

There are two ways to enter the Tidy Districts competition:  

  1. Online through the dlr submit portal: https://submit.link/2Db 

  1. Completing and returning the application form by:  

    1. Email to tidydistricts@dlrcoco.ie or

    2. Post to Environmental Awareness Section, Infrastructure & Climate Change Department, County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 K6C9. 

How are winners chosen?

Awards are given based on the results of an unannounced adjudicators visit during the months of July and August 2024, and the information provided on the application form

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