How We Deliver Our Homes
Who pays the annual Management Fees?
The management fees remain the responsibility of the owner of the property.
Will the Council inspect the property?
Properties must be of a very good to excellent standard and condition.
During the negotiation process the Council will arrange an inspection of
the property to ascertain its suitability for inclusion under lease
arrangements. It will be inspected to confirm that the property meets
very high structural and decorative standards. Properties must comply
with the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses Regulations 2008) and
also with all planning and Building Regulation.
Should the tenant engage in Anti Social Behaviour (ABS) or cause a nuisance. What action is open to me?
The Council will have the responsibility for dealing with anti-social behaviour.
Does it matter where the house/apartment is?
Once it is within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area the Council will accept your application.
Must I register with the PRTB (Private Residential Tenancies Board)?
How long before I know if the Council is interested in leasing my property?
Within one week. The property will be inspected and if deemed suitable for leasing by our inspection the Council will then enter into negotiations with you in respect of rental terms.
What happens if the tenant vacates the property? Do I still get paid?
Yes. However payments may be terminated in circumstances where a landlord is in breach of his/her obligations under the term of the lease
How long will the lease be for? Who decides?
The lease would be for 10 to 20 years and will be agreed between the owner and the Council.
Can I withdraw from the contract during the lease term if I want to sell the property?
No. Under the long term leasing arrangement the property can be sold by the property owner during the term but only on the condition that the lease agreement is transferred to the new owner and the Local Authority is notified in advance and is in agreement.
Who will be renting my property?
Applicants will be allocated from the Council‟s Housing Allocations list.
Will the Council purchase the property from me?
In some instances the property owner may agree with the Local Authority to include an "option to purchase‟ and/or a “right of first refusal” as a condition of the lease. These clauses give the Local Authority the option to buy the property at intervals during or at the end of the lease or oblige the owner to first offer the property to the Council should he/she decide to sell. Both parties must be in agreement to include this condition and the specific terms must be negotiated.
What would be the reasons for the Council refusing my property?
The Council will determine the assessment of need for housing in line with the Council's 'Sustainable Communities Objectives'. It would then be subject to the suitability of your property to meet our needs and the condition of your property, agreement of rent, production of the various pieces of information requested e.g. BER Cert and conditions of lease.
If there is a mortgage on the property do I need to inform my lender?
Yes. Written consent is required from your lender.
What rent will the Council pay me to lease my property?
The rent equal to 80% of the current market rent.
What documents/details do I need to give the Council?
The Council will require a description of the property as well as documents such as the BER (Building Energy Rating), Valid Tax Clearance Certificate and Bank details. Proof of ownership will also be a requirement as will permission for the lender if applicable. A full list of required documents will be provided to the owner in advance of signing of lease.
How often is there a rent review?
Every 3-4yrs in accordance with the lease agreement, even if rents go up or down.
Where is Park House?
Park House is located at 66 George's Street Upper, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
How is the rent paid?
The rent will be paid quarterly in advance by electronic transfer directly into a bank account. Please note that, if the owner is living outside or Ireland, the rental income is subject to withholding tax. Further details on this aspect are available on
Where is Park House?
Park House is located at 66 George's Street Upper, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
Do you need vacant possession?
Is furnishing required?
Yes, please see list below.
Schedule of Furnishings and Appliances
-Appropriate Floor Covering (in good condition)
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
-Cooker (in good working order)
-Hood Extractor (in good working order)
-Refrigerator / Freezer (in good working order)
-Washing Machine (in good working order)
Living Room
-Floor Covering(s) (in good condition)
-Suite of furniture (appropriate to room size and in good
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
Dining Room
-Floor Covering(s) (in good condition)
-Table & Chairs (appropriate to property size and in good
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
Bedroom 1
-Floor Covering(s) (in good condition)
-Bed/Mattress (appropriate to room size, new/fairly new)
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
-Wardrobe (appropriate to room size and in good condition)
Bedroom 2
-Floor Covering(s) (in good condition)
-Bed/Mattress (appropriate to room size, new/fairly new)
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
-Wardrobe (appropriate to room size and in good condition)
Bedroom 3
-Floor Covering(s) (in good condition)
-Bed/Mattress (appropriate to room size, new/fairly new)
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
-Wardrobe (appropriate to room size and in good condition)
-Appropriate Floor Coverings (in good condition)
-Bathroom Cabinet (in good condition)
-Shower screen/curtain (in good condition)
-Blinds/Curtains (in good condition)
Who is responsible for the maintenance of the property?
We take care of certain requests but there are some maintenance areas that are your responsibility. These are listed in the Tenant's Handbook.
Who is responsible for the structural maintenance of the property?
The owner of the property will retain responsibility for structural maintenance, structural insurance and structural repair.
Who is responsible for grass cutting/window cleaning?
The person(s) allocated the property in the case of houses and the Management Company in the case of apartments.