Purchase a Home
- Tenants who find themselves in arrears should not ignore the problem
- Arrears should be paid immediately
- If it is not possible to pay the arrears immediately tenants should contact the rent arrears section as soon as possible by phoning 01 2054841 or via email rents@dlrcoco.ie to discuss a repayment plan.
- If a repayment plan is put in place to pay the rent and arrears over a period of time this agreement must be adhered to.
- Please note that if arrears persist the Council may be forced to initiate legal proceedings to repossess the property.
- Some older accounts that use a payment card can pay in the post office or make a payment in shops using the “Post Point” sign
- By standing order through the bank
- Using online banking
- By cheque made payable to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
We allow you to rent your affordable property in certain circumstances, for instance should you take up employment abroad. Please contact Housing Loans, DLRCC, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Telephone 01-2047058 or email HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie for more information.
No one can move into a property without notifying and receiving permission from the Housing Department (Allocations). If anyone is planning to move into a Council property they should contact Housing Allocations on 01 2054828 to obtain a Permission to Reside form. Please be aware that the weekly rent may increase with the addition of an extra person and this additional rent will be back-dated to when the person moved in.
Your payment should come into your mortgage account on the 1st day of every month.
Contact our Loans Section on 01-2047058 or email: HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie
- Please notify the Housing Department immediately if a member of your household moves out
- Documentary evidence of change of address (e.g. lease agreement, utility bill etc.) must be provided to remove an occupant from the rent account
You can write to the Housing Loans Section requesting a redemption quotation. A written quotation will be posted out to you.
When you bought your affordable home, you got it at a discount to other similar properties on the market. The clawback is based on the percentage discount you got when you bought your affordable home. If you decide to sell your home, we apply this percentage to the price you get for the sale, depending on the current value of the property. Depending on the value of your property when you sell it, the calculation of the clawback may vary. Please contact Housing Loans, DLRCC, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Telephone 01-2047058 or email HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie for more information.
- A balance can be given over the phone or via email to the tenant of the property only. Please phone 01-2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie
- Please note that we can only discuss tenancy matters with the named tenant of the property, unless an agreement is in place for a third party to act/speak on the tenant’s behalf
- A statement is issued to tenants every three months. Tenants can check their receipts/payments against this statement.
You can ring any member of the Housing Revenue Loans section on 01 2054836.
If you bought a home under our Affordable/Shared Ownership Scheme you may qualify to convert the rented portion of your loan to a full mortgage. Contact our Loans Section on 01-2047058 or email: HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie
- Please contact the Housing Rents section on 01 2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie and we can post out a replacement card
- You can also call in person at the housing counter (County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire), Monday – Friday 10am until 4pm and a replacement card can be issued.
- We also have an office in Dundrum, Rear Bank of Ireland, Main Street, Dundrum, Dublin 14.
- The opening hours are 9.30am - 4.30pm
You can ring any member of the Housing Revenue Loans section on 01 2054836.
If you want to sell your affordable home you need to let us know in writing. Please include details of your estate agent and the asking price. When we receive and approve a copy of the signed sale agreed contract from your solicitor, we will then post a copy of your balance (redemption figures), including clawback figures. Our contact details are as follows: Housing Loans, DLRCC, County Hall, Marine Road, Dunlaoghaire, Co Dublin. Telephone 01-2047058 or email HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie
- It is possible to pay your rent through the Household Budget deduction scheme for those on Social Welfare payments. Deductions may not exceed 25% of income (contact Housing Rents on 01 2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie for further details)
- By using a DLR payment card, which is accepted in all Post Offices and shops which display the PostPoint sign, or online at http://www.mybills.ie/. Please note that when paying online you must enter the 6 digit number on your rent card when asked for a reference.
- By using a standing order through your bank. Standing order letters are available from Housing Rents by contacting 01 2054841
- By cheque, postal order or bank draft
An annual statement is issued every year or you can get a statement showing these details by ringing the Loan Accounts section at 01 2054836.
To apply to have your credit/overpayment paid off your outstanding loan balance, you contact us on 01-2047058 or email HosuingLoans@dlrcoco.ie
- Yes, it is a requirement of your tenancy agreement
- ·It is very important that tenants fill in the household information form correctly each year and supply us with current income details for all members of the household. This enables us to calculate a weekly rent which is accurate based on the income details provided.
- The Council should be immediately notified if there is a change in income details of any of the members of the household during the year. If there is a delay in doing this back dated debits may be applied to your account.
Click for household information form
Yes, you can make a lump sum payment off your mortgage. You should send your request in writing together with your payment to the Housing Revenue Loans Section.
- We operate a differential rent scheme, which means the more a household earns the more rent is charged. Conversely, the less a household earns the less is charged.
- The person in receipt of the highest income is the principal earner. All other persons in the household with an income are subsidiary earners.
- Rent is calculated as follows: principal earner’s income less €35 multiplied by 16%. Subsidiary earners income is calculated the same way, but is capped at €18 per earner. A €1 rent deduction is applied to all children and students under 23 in the household. An additional service charge may also apply, such as boiler maintenance or a heating charge.
Mortgage Protection Insurance covers the borrower in the case of incapacity up to age 65 and in the case of death up to age 75. It does not cover redundancy or unemployment. If you need further information please contact 01 2054836 .
Council Housing rents are based on a system called ‘differential rents.’ This means that the amount of rent you pay depends on the amount of your total household income. If your income increases then so does the rent and if your income decreases then the weekly rent decreases accordingly. Rent is calculated based on the current Differential Rent Scheme.
The person in receipt of the highest income is the principal earner. All other persons in the household with an income are subsidiary earners. Rent is calculated as follows:- principal earner’s income less €35 multiplied by 16%. Subsidiary earners income is calculated the same way, but is capped at €18 per earner. A €1 rent deduction is applied to all children and students in the household. An additional service charge may also apply, such as boiler maintenance or heating charge.
Please contact Housing Loans Section, on 01 2054836.
- Yes, it is a requirement of your tenancy agreement
- It is very important that tenants fill in the household information form correctly each year and supply us with current income details for all members of the household. This enables us to calculate a weekly rent which is accurate based on the income details provided.
- The Council should be notified immediately if there is a change in income details of any member of the household during the year. If there is a delay in doing this back dated debits may be applied to your account.
Please see link to “household information form”
You can talk to our dedicated Arrears Support Office by phone 01 2054836 or email housing@dlrcoco.ie or you can contact any member of the Housing Loans Section.
- It is possible to pay your rent through the Household Budget deduction scheme for those on Social Welfare payments. Deductions may not exceed 25% of income (contact Housing Rents on 01-2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie for further details)
- By using a DLR payment card which is accepted in all Post Offices and shops which display the PostPoint sign.
- By using a standing order through your bank- standing order letters are available from Housing Rents, please contact 01-2054841
- By cheque, postal order or bank draft
The Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) was introduced to Local Authorities in October 2012 to help borrowers who are In arrears.
- Please contact the Housing Rents section on 01-2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie and we can post out a replacement
- You can also call in person at the housing counter (County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire), Monday – Friday 10am until 4pm and a replacement card can be issued.
- We also have an office in Dundrum, Rere Bank of Ireland, Main St, Dundrum, opening hours 9.30am-4.30pm
Yes. Every borrower’s case is treated confidentially.
- A balance can be given over the phone or via email to the tenant of the property only. Please phone 01 2054841 or email rents@dlrcoco.ie
- Please note that we can only discuss tenancy matters with the named tenant of the property, unless an agreement is in place for a third party to act/speak on the tenant’s behalf
- A statement is issued to tenants every three months. Tenants can check their receipts/payments against this statement. Copies of rent statements can be issued on request.
For all loan applications gross earnings for a single-person application must not exceed €50,000 and for joint applications combined gross earnings must not exceed €75,000.
- Please notify the Housing Department immediately if a member of your household moves out
- Documentary evidence of change of address needs to be provided to remove an occupant from the rent account. Acceptable forms of evidence would include a lease agreement or a utility bill.
The maximum loan term is 25 years.
- No one can move into a property without notifying and receiving permission from the Housing Department (Allocations). Please be aware that the weekly rent may increase with the addition of an extra person.
Loans will not exceed 97% of the cost of the dwelling or the market value, whichever is less (excluding all grants) and subject to a maximum of €200,000. Mortgage repayments shall not exceed 35% of an applicant's net pay.
- Tenants who find themselves in arrears should not ignore the problem
- Arrears should be paid immediately
- If, it is not possible to pay arrears immediately, tenants should contact the rent arrears section as soon as possible by phoning 01-2054841 or via email rents@dlrcoco.ie to discuss a repayment plan.
- If a repayment plan is put in place to pay rent and arrears over a period of time, this agreement must be adhered to.
- Please note that if arrears persist, the Council may be forced to initiate legal proceedings to remove the tenant(s) from the property.
We will post a mortgage statement out to you once a year, usually in January/February. However, you can request a statement at any time by contacting us on 01-2047058 or email HousingLoans@dlrcoco.ie