From the 1st September 2012 it is now an offence to burn "smoky" or bituminous coal anywhere in Dublin City or County, and you can be fined up to €5,000 in court if you do so.
For further information, please click here.
No! Burning household or garden waste is now illegal, and you can be fined up to €3,000 for doing so. "Backyard Burning" is bad for the environment, causes nuisance to neighbours and can also cause health problems.
Click on the following link for further information relating to the Burning of Waste.
If you are subjected to noise nuisance from domestic or residential premises you may apply directly to your local District Court for a Court Order under Section 108 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992. Further information regarding Section 108 Notices and noise pollution is available by clicking on the attached guide to the Noise Regulations Leaflet (pdf - 2.24MB)
Persons affected by noise nuisance caused by tenants in private rented dwellings may also apply directly to the Private Residential Tenacies Board (PRTB) at www.prtb.ie or ph. (01) 635 0600 to resolve the problem. The PRTB can legally direct landlords to ensure that their tenants comply with the terms of their tenacy agreements regarding noise and other forms of anti-social behaviour.
If you are subjected to noise nuisance caused by tenants in Council-owned dwellings, you can make a complaint directly to the Anti-Social Behaviour Section of the Housing Dept.
For further information, please click on the following link to Noise Pollution.
Asbestos is a form of hazardous waste that is potentially very dangerous to human health, if not handled and disposed of correctly. Asbestos should only ever be removed and transported by specialist waste contractors who have an appropriate permit. Asbestos cannot be brought to Ballyogan Recycling Park or any other Council waste facility.
Click on the following link for further information on asbestos removal and disposal.
While there are no set times in law limiting the working hours on building sites, there are guideline standard times that apply to construction activity. If work takes place outside of these hours, it can then be regarded as a source of noise nuisance, and investigated by the Council’s EHOs (Environmental Health Officers). Site development and building works in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown are restricted to:
• Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
• Saturdays: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Sundays & Bank Holidays: Works not allowed.
However, please note that these are guideline times only, and in certain circumstances it may be necessary for building works to take place outside of these hours. In addition these guideline times do not apply to any kind of emergency works carried out by the ESB, Bord Gáis, Iarnród Eireann etc.
Construction working hours on a particular development may also be regulated by way of a condition attached to the planning permission and breaches in these cases are enforced by the Planning Enforcement Section of the Council.
You can contact Planning Enforcement at planningenforcement@dlrcoco.ie.
For further information on noise pollution, please click here.
Car owners can bring their old vehicles to local ATFs (Automated Treatment Facilities) for environmentally safe disposal and recycling, free of charge. Click on the following link for further information about End of Life Vehicles.
Alternatively, DLR County Council also provides a vehicle collection service for privately owned cars free of charge.
Full details of the range of charges that may apply to householders, and the types of waste material accepted at the Civic Recycling Facility, are available on the Ballyogan Recycling Park web-page.
By law, any shop that sells batteries to the public must also take back similiar types of old batteries for recycling, free of charge. Many shops now have blue boxes for battery recycling on display. There is no need to buy any new batteries when you return waste batteries to a shop, and it doesn't matter if you bought your used batteries somewhere else. Waste batteries are also accepted at any of the Council's Recycling Centres. Never put batteries in your household waste bin!
Click on the following link for further information on waste batteries.
WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) is basically any type of appliance or device that requires either electrical or battery power in order to operate, and whose owner wishes to dispose of as waste. In addition to larger household items such as televisions, computers, cookers, fridges and washing machines, it also includes smaller personal items such as cameras, toys, watches, mobile phones and MP3 players.
The WEEE Regulations were introduced in 2005 to promote the environmentally responsible disposal, collection, and recycling of electrical goods and appliances in Ireland. One of the main features of the regulations is the free take-back of similar WEEE items on a one-for-one basis that must be offered by retailers to customers when they purchase a new electrical or electronic product.
For further information, please click on the following link to WEEE
These Regulations exist to regulate the commercial usage of solvents across various sectors of industry in Ireland, (including Dry Cleaning, Printing, Lamination and Surface Coating processes) and thus reduce potential air pollution.
For further detailed information, click on this link to the Regulations
These Regulations affect businesses such as crash repair operators that are involved in Vehicle Refinishing activities. The Regulations apply to all commercial operators that use paint products containing Organic Solvents on their premises.
For further detailed information, click on this link to the Deco Paints Regulations
The Council ceased providing a waste collection service in 2010. Residents in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown administrative area are now responsible for making their own arrangements to dispose of refuse by engaging the services of a permitted private refuse collecgtor and/or using the recycling and disposal facilities provided by the Council at bottle banks, Ballyogan Recycling Park, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18 and at Eden Park, Glasthule, and Shanganagh Recycling Centres.
Return them to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (Waste Charges, Finance and Risk Management Department), County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin for a refund