All requests for personal details must be made in writing, either by post or email. You may be asked for evidence of your identity. This is to make sure that personal information is not given to the wrong person. Please address your request to:

Data Protection Co-ordinator

Corporate Affairs Department

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Marine Road

Dún Laoghaire

Co. Dublin

Telephone: 01 205 4700


In your request, you should give any details that will help the County Council to identify you and find your data e.g. any previous address and/or date of birth.  Also, be clear about which details you are looking for if you are only looking for certain information.

You should receive these details within one month of your request. This can be extended by a further two months if the request is complex or there is a number of requests from the same individual.


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