How do I request information under the AIE Regulations?
When making a request for information under the AIE Regulations, you must:
- submit your request in writing or electronic form and state that it is being made under the AIE Regulations
- provide your contact details
- state as clearly as possible the environmental information required
- if you require the information in a specific format or manner of access, you should specify this in your request.
We are obliged to reply within one month of receipt of your application.
Please submit your application to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Affairs Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Tel: 01 2054700
The AIE Regulations allow people access to environmental information held by or for public authorities which is not routinely available through other means.
The Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 operate in parallel with the AIE Regulations. This means that people can gain access to environmental information under the FOI Acts and the AIE Regulations.
If you wish to access personal information held by the Council under the Data Protection legislation, please see the Data Protection Section